
vue-x-docs 1.0.2


Live example: https://delni.github.io/vue-x-docs/

A JSDoc extension for Vue and Vuex based projects. This include jsdoc template & new tag definition.

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Using npm :

npm install -D vue-x-docs

Using yarn:

yarn add -D vue-x-docs



(jsdoc page - configuration)

"plugins": ["node_modules/vue-x-docs"],

If you use other plugins, put them before vue(x)docs. I would recommend jsdoc-vue to parse *.vue files, and markdown plugin from jsdoc:

"plugins": [


:warning: Some tags will only be available with the template, as it redefined some of JSDoc core functionnality. In those case, a fallback tag is defined

  • @store
    Define a vuex store.
    Compatibility with vanilla JSDoc: fallback as @module.

    • @namespaced allow to precise that this vuex module is namespaced
    • @actions, @mutations, @getters, fallback as @method. @actions are automaticaly tagged as async

      See warehouse-module.js for usage in context

  • @component
    Define a vue component.
    Compatibility with vanilla JSDoc: fallback as @module. data from this component should be tagged @member

    • @computed: fallback as @member. Tag computed data
    • @vprop: fallback as @member. Tag props from actual data
    • @watch: define a special method for watchers.
    • @lifecycle: document lifecycles hooks by providing its name. Not supported by default JSDoc template.
         * @component Cart
         * @lifecycle mounted do some stuff
    • @route : show the routes matched by this component. Not supported by default JSDoc template.

      See cart.vue for usage in context

  • @model Synonyme of @module, use to describe file that make the actual call to API, if you need.
    See goods.js for usage in context



(jsdoc page - configuration)

"opts": {
    "template": "node_modules/vue-x-docs"

You can customize some of the doc behavior

Use collapsible api list

Default: true

"templates": {
    "useCollapsibles": true

Separates data, props and computed by a title

Default: true

"templates": {
    "separateMembers": true

Use versioning tree output

Default: false

"templates": {
    "useVersionning": false

By default, output tree will be at the root of the output dir provided in conf, say out, you will have

├─ <generated documentation tree>
└─ index.html

By enabling useVersionning, vue(x)doc will use your package.json information to add "version layer". Say your package.json looks like { "name": "myproject", "version": "v1.0.0", ... }, output tree will be :

└─ myproject/
     └─ v1.0.0/
        ├─ <generated documentation tree>
        └─ index.html

Special Thanks

This project is not an official fork, but is widely inspired by TUI JSDoc Template for some functionnality and template customization.